Workshop with older people organized in Austria

July 4, 2022
cards with symbols on bench

The 2nd workshop in Vienna, Austria was held at the Austrian Association in Support of the Blind and Visually Impaired (Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs) and it was organized in collaboration with the Austrian Institute of Technology.

In the co-creation workshop 7 senior participants were involved, including participants with serious visual impairments and with hearing impairments. In the workshop we discussed the service delivery models that were proposed in the first workshop.

The senior participants mentioned that the cost of the services will be the most critical factor that will decide over the acceptance of the technology. They also mentioned multiple challenges that are specific to people with disabilities, and how some of these technologies could avoid such problems. The workshop provided great insights into the needs of the target group and will provide a strong base for the future developments in BeauCoup.